Executive committee


Tim Baldwin
Garden Court Chambers
Email: timothyb@gclaw.co.uk

Dianne Cowie
Duncan Lewis Solicitors
Email: diannec@duncanlewis.com

Laura Coyle
Turpin Miller LLP
Email: lcoyle@turpinmiller.co.uk

Committee Members

Natasha Bellinger
Magdalen Chambers
Email: nbellinger@magdalenchambers.co.uk

Caroline Brosnan
Russell-Cooke Solicitors
Email: caroline.brosnan@russell-cooke.co.uk

Kate Downing
Miles & Partners LLP
Email: kate.downing@milesandpartners.com

Rosie Grewal
Foster & Foster Solicitors
Email: rosie.grewal@fosterlaw.co.uk

Eleri Griffiths
One Pump Court
Email: eg@onepumpcourt.co.uk

Michael Marsh-Hyde
One Pump Court
Email: mmh@onepumpcourt.co.uk

Elizabeth Salmon
Duncan Lewis Solicitors
Email: ElizabethSA@duncanlewis.com

Anna Steiner
University of Westminster
Email: a.steiner1@westminster.ac.uk

Victory Thiru
Anthony Gold Solicitors
Email: vth@anthonygold.co.uk

Co-opted Members

Lead of Legal Aid Working Group

Sally Cheshire
Mary Ward Legal Centre
Email: sally.cheshire@marywardlegal.org.uk

Lead of Law Reform Working Group

Eleanor Solomon
Anthony Gold Solicitors
Email: ezs@anthonygold.co.uk

Serdar Celebi
Islington Law Centre
Email: serdarc@islingtonlaw.org.uk

Kathleen Cosgrove
Greater Manchester Law Centre
Email: kathleencosgrove@gmlaw.org.uk

Vicky Fewkes
Ealing Law Centre
Email: vicky.fewkes@ealinglaw.org.uk

Ed Fitzpatrick
Garden Court Chambers
Email: edwardf@gclaw.co.uk

Will Ford
Osbornes Solicitors
Email: williamford@osbornes.net

Penny Hari
Legal Advice Centre (University House)
Email: pennyosmith@yahoo.com / penny@legaladvicecentre.london

James Stark
Garden Court North Chambers
Email: jstark@gcnchambers.co.uk

HLPA Junior

Frankie Hall
Email: frankie.hall@shelter.org.uk


Chandra Rao
Shelter Legal Services
Email: chandra_rao@shelter.org.uk

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