As previously noted, the MOJ released a Consultation Paper entitled ‘Options for dealing with squatting’. The purpose of the consultation is to gather more information about the extent of problems caused by squatters, and to invite views on whether existing criminal and civil mechanisms need to be strengthened to deal with them.

We would really welcome input from HLPA members in relation to this. David Watkinson has prepared a summary of the proposals, with requests for further information. This can be downloaded here.
Summary and request for information
If there is an area of the consultation you feel particularly strongly about/have experience with but do not wish to provide a full response yourself, please forward these responses to David Watkinson at, who is preparing a full response on behalf of HLPA. Please provide these responses by Friday 30th September 2011 so David has time to incorporate your ideas into the response.

The more responses to this paper the better. To make a response easier, HLPA junior have prepared a template which you can add to/amend which can be downloaded here:
Template response
Alternatively just insert your details and send to –

For those of you, who are preparing your own response, please ensure that your responses are sent in by 5th October 2011 (no cut off time has been given by MoJ so to be on the safe side try and get responses in on 4th ).