Evidence to Work & Pensions select committee on DHPs

The Work and Pensions commons select committee has launched an inquiry into ‘the local welfare safety net’. On behalf of HLPA, Giles Peaker filed written evidence  and will be giving oral evidence to the committee on 18 November 2013. Other written...

Immigration Bill – possession clauses

HLPA have prepared a briefing on issues in the clauses in the Immigration Bill that enable possession by the landlord either by ‘notice’ or a new mandatory ground of possession. The full briefing can be downloaded here and is set out below. Clause 13 1....

HLPA training for London MPs’ staff

HLP is running housing law training sessions for London MPs’ constituency staff and caseworkers in October and November 2015. For more details, see here. Note these training sessions are only open to London MPs and their staff/caseworkers.

Court Closures Consultation

The Ministry of Justice Consultation on the provision of court and tribunal estate in England closes on 8 October 2015. The proposals affect many of the Courts used by HLPA members and the more responses made the better. HLPA has submitted a response, which will be on...