Open Letter on the Misrepresentation of Squatting

Many HLPA members signed the open letter on the misrepresentation of squatting circulated last week. HLPA as an organisation also signed, by the Executive Committee. Many non-HLPA members also signed. In total there were 158 individual signatures and that of HLPA as...

Squatting Consultation paper

As previously noted, the MOJ released a Consultation Paper entitled ‘Options for dealing with squatting’. The purpose of the consultation is to gather more information about the extent of problems caused by squatters, and to invite views on whether...

Northern Housing Conference

North West Housing Practitioners present the Northern Housing Conference 25 October 2011 Mechanics Centre, 103 Princess Street, Major Street Entrance, Manchester, M1 6DD         Speakers include: Colin Henderson, CAB and iLegal Robert Latham,...