Northern Housing Conference

North West Housing Practitioners present the Northern Housing Conference 25 October 2011 Mechanics Centre, 103 Princess Street, Major Street Entrance, Manchester, M1 6DD         Speakers include: Colin Henderson, CAB and iLegal Robert Latham,...

New on the site

We’ve added a couple of new sections to the site, with useful downloads for housing advisors. Available to all are the new Frequently Asked Questions, addressing some of the common but trickier questions faced by advisors; including eligibility for unemployed...

Possession and Anti Social Behaviour Consultation

The Department of Communities and Local Government has issued a consultation on amending grounds of possession for anti-social behaviour. The original proposal was for a new mandatory ground of possession for those convicted of a second housing related offence, or...

Squatting Consultation

The Ministry of Justice is consulting on ‘options for dealing with squatters’. Proposals include the criminalisation of squatting in a building. The consultation can be found here. The closing date is 5 October 2011. HLPA is preparing a response....

CLS Funding Order

The Community Legal Service (Funding) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2011 has been made, implementing the 10% fee cuts from 3 October 2011. A copy of the Order with the revised fee schedules can be downloaded here [pdf]. The Order affects new Legal Helps and certificates...