Civil Litigation reforms – Government response

The Government’s response to the consultation on reforms to civil litigation and costs (the Jackson reforms) has now been released. The full response can be downloaded here [pdf] and the associated impact assessment is here [pdf] The press release is here. In...

March 2011 meeting and AGM

The March 2011 meeting is on Wednesday 23 March 2011. Note the earlier than usual starting time. 6.30 pm AGM 7 pm Housing and the Human Rights Act Speakers: Jan Luba QC (Garden Court Chambers) HHJ Nic Madge (Peterborough Count Court) From 6.30 pm at Portland Hall,...

HLPA response on reform of civil litigation costs

HLPA’s response to the consultation on the reform of civil litigation costs (after Jackson) was sent to the MoJ on 14 February 2011. This is particularly important for HLPA memebers in view of the proposals on disrepair CFA funding and costs shifting in other...

Legal Aid Reforms Response

HLPA’s response to the consultation on Legal Aid reforms was sent to the Ministry of Justice today, 14 February 2011. A copy of the response can be downloaded here [doc]