Legal Aid reform response draft

The first draft of HLPA’s response to the consultation on legal aid reform is now available for suggested additions and amendments in the member’s forum. The final response has to be sent to the MoJ for 14 February 2011, so please add any views or...

January 2011

Equalities Act Speaker: Peter Reading – Equalities and Human Rights Commission Powerpoint Presentation 1 Powerpoint Presentation 2

Equality Act – Public Sector Equality Duty

It has been announced that the Public Sector Equality Duty provisions of the Equality Act 2010 are to come into force on 6 April 2011. The Government Equalities Office page has the following available for download: *Draft regulations on the specific duties; *Draft...

Legal Aid reform discussion 19 January

There will be a discussion of HLPA’s response to the proposed legal aid reforms at the meeting of 19 January 2011. Members are asked to bring a copy of the questionnaire to the consultation with them to the meeting. The consultation questionnaire can be...