Recent Consultation Responses

Houses in Multiple Occupation and residential property licensing reforms – HLPA submission – 13.12.16 160915-national-housing-pathway-for-ex-service-personnel-response-form-en – HLPA response Funding for Supported Housing – HLPA submission...

Next HLPA meeting 21 September 2016

Possession Update The speakers will be: Stephen Cottle, Garden Court Chambers Gareth Mitchell, Deighton Pierce Glynn Please note that this meeting will take place at the earlier time of 6.30-8.30pm The location for this meetings is: Room 3.07 School of Law Regent...

For HLPA Members

The forum – discuss cases, tips, techniques, questions and problems – add your name and organisation if you want. Precedents – precedent letters and materials contributed by HLPA members. As ever with precedents, just take care to adapt them to your...