News, events and consultations

2009 – the winter of consultations

(i) “Equality Bill: Making it Work. Policy Proposals for Specific Duties” (GEO) – equality duties imposed on public authorities – 30th September. HLPA’s Response

(ii) “Legal Aid: Refocusing on Priority Cases” (MoJ) – 11th October. HLPA’s response

(iii) “Lender Repossessions of Residential Property: Protection of Tenants” (CLG) – 14th October 2009. HLPA’s response

(iv) “Fair and Flexible: Draft Statutory Guidance on social housing allocations for local authorities in England” – 23rd October 2009. HLPA’s response

(v) “The Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 (Registration of Local Authorities) Order 2009”. (CLG). Deadline: 30th October 2009. HLPA’s response.

(vi) “Legal Aid: Funding Reforms” – (MoJ) – 16th November 2009. HLPA’s response.

For HLPA Members

The forum – discuss cases, tips, techniques, questions and problems – add your name and organisation if you want.

Precedents – precedent letters and materials contributed by HLPA members. As ever with precedents, just take care to adapt them to your case.

Meeting documents – The minutes of the HLPA meetings in London, available as soon as possible after each meeting.

Seminar papers – Speaker’s notes from HLPA meetings where available. All the expertise of HLPA’s specialist speakers in an archive.

Job adverts – for posts with HLPA member organisations