The Housing Law Practitioners Association was set up to provide a forum for practitioners working in the housing field to share knowledge and information. Membership is open to all those who use housing law for the benefit of the homeless, tenants, and other occupiers of housing. Current members include solicitors, barristers, advice workers, independent environmental health officers and other housing specialists.


HLPA has regular events for members, and special events for all. The very latest in housing law practice, delivered by those involved. Notes and handouts available to all members on the website soon after each meeting. For the next meeting:

Latest update

Housing Law Conference 2023

The Housing Law Conference 2023

14 December 2023


This year’s Housing Law Conference will be held on a hybrid basis on 14 December 2023, with the live element taking place at 10 Union Street Conference Centre, London Bridge, London SE1 1SZ.  Further details will be available shortly, but please save the date in the meantime.

The Conference is sponsored by Doughty Street Chambers.

For more information, contact Professional Briefings at london@profbriefings.co.uk or 01920 282262.


HLPA Conference 13 December 2017

The 2017 HLPA Conference is now open for booking and it will take place at a new venue: The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists at 27 Sussex Place, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4RG, on 13th December 2017. The conference is open to members and non-members...

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Next HLPA Meeting 20 September 2017

Grenfell Tower Disaster and Legal Next Steps The speakers will be Giles Peaker, Anthony Gold Solicitors and Karen Buck MP. Please note that the meeting will take place from 6.30 to 8.30pm and will be at a new venue. The location for this meeting is: BPP University Law...

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News and Updates

Arkin v Marshall – PD51Z

The Court of Appeal have handed down judgment in this important case convening Practice Direction 51Z  (“PD51Z”) in which HLPA intervened and the Lord Chancellor joined as interested party. The outcome is that PD51Z is lawful, applies throughout possession proceedings...

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HLPA intervenes in Court of Appeal case of Arkin v Marshall

HLPA’s application to intervene by way of written submissions in Arkin v Marshall has been granted. This is a first for HLPA and was only made possible due to the overwhelming response from our members, provided in record time. The responses received were detailed and...

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HLPA on Twitter


Members’ meetings every two months – with speakers at the forefront of housing law giving updates on recent developments and practice.

Papers and notes for past meetings are available for members to download.


Resources for members – guides, FAQs, precedents and more.

Junior HLPA

A group for housing law practitioners with less than 5 years PQE, trainees and paralegals.

Contact Us

14 + 3 =

Professional and media enquiries

Media and professional enquiries should be made to the HLPA co chairs, Simon Mullings and Marina Sergides

Company details

Company limited by Guarantee
Company No: 04320545
Registered Office:
Housing Law Practitioners’ Association
c/o Shelter Legal Services
88 Old Street