The Housing Law Practitioners Association was set up to provide a forum for practitioners working in the housing field to share knowledge and information. Membership is open to all those who use housing law for the benefit of the homeless, tenants, and other occupiers of housing. Current members include solicitors, barristers, advice workers, independent environmental health officers and other housing specialists.


HLPA has regular events for members, and special events for all. The very latest in housing law practice, delivered by those involved. Notes and handouts available to all members on the website soon after each meeting. For the next meeting:

Latest update

Judgment handed down in Khan v Mehmood EWCA [2022] EWCA Civ 791

Khan v Mehmood 2022 EWCA Civ 791

HLPA members may recall that HLPA was granted permission to intervene in the Court of Appeal in this case concerning the applicability in housing disrepair cases of the 10% uplift to general damages, originating in the Court of Appeal’s decision in Simmons v Castle ([2012] EWCA Civ 1039, [2012] EWCA Civ 1288, [2013] 1 WLR 1239).

We were privileged to have offers to represent pro bono from Liz Davies QC and former co-chair Marina Sergides of Garden Court Chambers and from Daniel Fitzpatrick and Declan Storrar of Hodge Jones and Allen which allowed to us to make that application and then submit detailed written and oral representations in the Court of Appeal. Thanks must also go to exec member Eleanor Solomon of Anthony Gold who provided a witness statement on behalf of HLPA.

Judgment has now been handed down and on behalf of our clients we are delighted to be able to say that the Court of Appeal found that the Simmons and Castle uplift does apply to damages in these cases.

Moreover the Court was keen to make clear the importance of the intervention made by HLPA – from paragraph 58 of Baker LJ’s judgment:

As demonstrated by the statement and submissions on behalf of the HLPA, CFAs play an important role in assisting tenants to bring claims for breach of repairing covenants. Such claims are therefore manifestly within the category of cases for which the 10% uplift was specifically intended, by way of compensation for the success fee which the claimant tenant’s lawyer is entitled to be paid by his client but which, following LASPO, cannot be recovered from the defendant landlord. The need to secure funding for claims in the post-LASPO environment was integral to the recommendations in Jackson Report and the declaration made by this Court in Simmons v Castle. The arguments put before this Court on behalf of the HLPA demonstrate that it remains a very important consideration in this category of litigation.

This is a very important judgment for tenants seeking redress for disrepair and poor housing conditions. It ensures that a mechanism to mitigate historically low damages in these cases remains in place. We are also heartened that court recognised the important work done by you, the HLPA members.


Next HLPA Meeting 17 May 2017

The Equality Act-Where Are We Now? The speakers will be Liz Davies, Garden Court Chambers and Alex Campbell, Arden Chambers. Please note that the meeting will take place from 6.30 to 8.30pm. The location for this meeting is: The Boardroom First Floor University of...

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AGM and Next HLPA Meeting 15 March 2017

Defending Possession Claims: The speakers will be Andrew Lane, Cornerstone Chambers and Professor Ian Loveland, Arden Chambers. Please note that the AGM will start at 6.30pm, with the main meeting to follow from 7.00 to 9.00pm. The location for this meeting is:...

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News and Updates


Dear Colleague, We are writing to you with an urgent call for information on a vital legal issue pertaining to Practice Direction 51Z. Next Thursday, 30th April, the Court of Appeal is set to hear an appeal in the case of Arkin v Marshall, considering: (i) whether the...

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Timeline & Guidance – Coronavirus & Housing Law

HLPA has added a page to this website setting out the timeline of events in the ongoing public health crisis and with links to guidance relevant to HLPA members. The webpage is http://www.hlpa.org.uk/cms/home/housing-in-the-covid-19-era/?et_fb=1&PageSpeed=off

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HLPA on Twitter


Members’ meetings every two months – with speakers at the forefront of housing law giving updates on recent developments and practice.

Papers and notes for past meetings are available for members to download.


Resources for members – guides, FAQs, precedents and more.

Junior HLPA

A group for housing law practitioners with less than 5 years PQE, trainees and paralegals.

Contact Us

11 + 12 =

Professional and media enquiries

Media and professional enquiries should be made to the HLPA co chairs, Simon Mullings and Marina Sergides

Company details

Company limited by Guarantee
Company No: 04320545
Registered Office:
Housing Law Practitioners’ Association
c/o Shelter Legal Services
88 Old Street