The Housing Law Practitioners Association was set up to provide a forum for practitioners working in the housing field to share knowledge and information. Membership is open to all those who use housing law for the benefit of the homeless, tenants, and other occupiers of housing. Current members include solicitors, barristers, advice workers, independent environmental health officers and other housing specialists.


HLPA has regular events for members, and special events for all. The very latest in housing law practice, delivered by those involved. Notes and handouts available to all members on the website soon after each meeting. For the next meeting:

Latest update

HLPA Conference 2016

Places are still available for this year’s HLPA Conference, to be held at the Royal College of Surgeons on 13 December 2016: www.profbriefings.co.uk/hlc2016.

Note to attendees: The Human Rights and PRS seminar will now include a talk from Giles Peaker of Anthony Gold Solicitors on other defences in private rented sector possession claims and top tips.


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News and Updates

2009 – the winter of consultations

(i) “Equality Bill: Making it Work. Policy Proposals for Specific Duties” (GEO) – equality duties imposed on public authorities – 30th September. HLPA's Response (ii) “Legal Aid: Refocusing on Priority Cases” (MoJ) – 11th October. HLPA's response (iii) “Lender...

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HLPA on Twitter


Members’ meetings every two months – with speakers at the forefront of housing law giving updates on recent developments and practice.

Papers and notes for past meetings are available for members to download.


Resources for members – guides, FAQs, precedents and more.

Junior HLPA

A group for housing law practitioners with less than 5 years PQE, trainees and paralegals.

Contact Us

14 + 11 =

Professional and media enquiries

Media and professional enquiries should be made to the HLPA co chairs:

Timothy Baldwin

Dianne Cowie

Laura Coyle

Company details

Company limited by Guarantee
Company No: 04320545
Registered Office:
Housing Law Practitioners’ Association
c/o Shelter Legal Services
88 Old Street